Publishing Validator Info

Publishing Validator Info

You can publish your validator information to the chain to be publicly visible to other users.

Run EtherealNetwork validator-info

Run the EtherealNetwork CLI to populate a validator info account:

Etherealvalidator-info publish --keypair ~/validator-keypair.json <VALIDATOR_INFO_ARGS> <VALIDATOR_NAME>

For details about optional fields for VALIDATOR_INFO_ARGS:

Etherealvalidator-info publish --help

Example Commands

Example publish command:

Etherealvalidator-info publish "Elvis Validator" -n elvis -w ""

Example query command:

Etherealvalidator-info get

which outputs

Validator info from 8WdJvDz6obhADdxpGCiJKZsDYwTLNEDFizayqziDc9ah

Validator pubkey: 6dMH3u76qZ7XG4bVboVRnBHR2FfrxEqTTTyj4xmyDMWo

Info: {"keybaseUsername":"elvis","name":"Elvis Validator","website":""}


Including a Keybase username allows client applications (like the EtherealNetwork Explorer) to automatically pull in your validator public profile, including cryptographic proofs, brand identity, etc. To connect your validator pubkey with Keybase:

1. Join and complete the profile for your validator

2. Add your validator identity pubkey to Keybase:

o Create an empty file on your local computer called validator-<PUBKEY>

o In Keybase, navigate to the Files section, and upload your pubkey file to

a Etherealsubdirectory in your public folder: /keybase/public/<KEYBASE_USERNAME>/Ethereal

o To check your pubkey, ensure you can successfully browse to<KEYBASE_USERNAME>/Ethereal/validator-<PUBKEY>

3. Add or update your Etherealvalidator-info with your Keybase username. The

CLI will verify the validator-<PUBKEY> file

Last updated