Ethereal Test Validator

During early stage development, it is often convenient to target a cluster with fewer restrictions and more configuration options than the public offerings provide. This is easily achieved with the Ethereal-test-validator binary, which starts a full-featured, single-node cluster on the developer's workstation.


  • No RPC rate-limits

  • No airdrop limits

  • Direct on-chain program deployment (--bpf-program ...)

  • Clone accounts from a public cluster, including programs (--clone ...)

  • Configurable transaction history retention (--limit-ledger-size ...)

  • Configurable epoch length (--slots-per-epoch ...)

  • Jump to an arbitrary slot (--warp-slot ...)


The Ethereal-test-validator binary ships with the EtherealNetwork CLI Tool Suite. Install before continuing.


First take a look at the configuration options

Ethereal-network-test-validator --help

Next start the test validator


By default, basic status information is printed while the process is running. See Appendix I for details

Ledger location: test-ledger

Log: test-ledger/validator.log

Identity: EPhgPANa5Rh2wa4V2jxt7YbtWa3Uyw4sTeZ13cQjDDB8

Genesis Hash: 4754oPEMhAKy14CZc8GzQUP93CB4ouELyaTs4P8ittYn

Version: 1.6.7

Shred Version: 13286

Gossip Address:

TPU Address:


⠈ 00:36:02 | Processed Slot: 5142 | Confirmed Slot: 5142 | Finalized Slot: 5110 | Snapshot Slot: 5100 | Transactions: 5142 | ◎499.974295000

Leave Ethereal-test-validator running in its own terminal. When it is no longer needed, it can be stopped with ctrl-c.


Open a new terminal to interact with a running Ethereal-test-validator instance using other binaries from the EtherealNetwork CLI Tool Suite or your own client software.

Configure the CLI Tool Suite to target a local cluster by default#

Etherealconfig set --url

Verify the CLI Tool Suite configuration


  • NOTE: The result should match the Genesis Hash: field in the Ethereal-test-validator status output

Check the wallet balance


  • NOTE: Error: No such file or directory (os error 2) means that the default wallet does not yet exist. Create it with Ethereal-keygen new.

  • NOTE: If the wallet has a zero XZO balance, airdrop some localnet ETRL with Etherealairdrop 10

Perform a basic transfer transaction

Etherealtransfer EPhgPANa5Rh2wa4V2jxt7YbtWa3Uyw4sTeZ13cQjDDB8 1

Monitor msg!() output from on-chain programs


  • NOTE: This command needs to be running when the target transaction is executed. Run it in its own terminal

Appendix I: Status Output

Ledger location: test-ledger

  • File path of the ledger storage directory. This directory can get large. Store less transaction history with --limit-ledger-size ... or relocate it with --ledger ...

Log: test-ledger/validator.log

  • File path of the validator text log file. The log can also be streamed by passing --log. Status output is suppressed in this case.

Identity: EPhgPANa5Rh2wa4V2jxt7YbtWa3Uyw4sTeZ13cQjDDB8

  • The validator's identity in the [gossip network]

Version: 1.6.7

  • The software version

Gossip Address:

TPU Address:


The network address of the [Gossip], [Transaction Processing Unit] and [JSON RPC] service, respectively

⠈ 00:36:02 | Processed Slot: 5142 | Confirmed Slot: 5142 | Finalized Slot: 5110 | Snapshot Slot: 5100 | Transactions: 5142 | ◎499.974295000

Session running time, current slot of the three block commitment levels, slot height of the last snapshot, transaction count, voting authority balance

Last updated